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Chandra yantra gold plated sidhh shrichandra yantram

Chandra yantra gold plated sidhh shrichandra yantram

Product Code : Chandra yantra

$15.00 0%off

Enerziged chandra yantra

Yantra Shri Chandra

Material gold plated

Size -3×3 inches 

Enerziged sidhh yantra

when moon planet is week in your horoscope it may cause a many problems in your life then  Chandra yantra Pooja will helpful ,Chandra yantra can help maintain the mental balance of mind and bestow peace of mind. Position of moon in horoscope can affect the behavior of a person. Worship of moon yantra can help you to maintain your mental and emotional life which is because of the result of weak placement of moon in the birth chartcom Moon yantra or Chandra yantra may be used to increase strength of Moon and gain benefits from it. Hence Moon yantra may be used when Moon is duly


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