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Chuna powder edible lime stone powder 125gmgm khane wala chuna

Chuna powder edible lime stone powder 125gmgm khane wala chuna

Product Code : Chuna

$17.00 $25.00 32%off

Pure edible chuna powder paste

It is in wet form can consume directly -  100% edible , good source of calcium 


The most common disease that requires Chuna Manual Therapy is lumbar disc herniation. By correcting dysfunctions and malalignment of the joints, muscles, and spine, Chuna therapy reduces the pressure load on the intervertebral discs and surrounding tissue, which helps reduce pain caused by nerve root compression. It is also effective for musculoskeletal disorders such as cervical disc problems, spinal stenosis, neuropathy, back·neck·shoulder pain, knee arthritis, tennis elbow, and various other joint conditions including sprains and dislocations. Chuna therapy can be applied to a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders and medical conditions.

घुटने का दर्द - चूना घुटने का दर्द ठीक करता है, कमर का दर्द ठीक करता है, कंधे का दर्द ठीक करता है। मुंह में ठंडा गरम पानी लगना- चूना खाओ बिलकुल ठीक हो जाता है। मुंह में छाले- अगर छाले हो गए हैं तो चूने का पानी पियो तुरन्त ठीक हो जाता है। खून की कमी- शरीर में जब खून कम हो जाये तो चूना जरुर लेना चाहिए।